I suppose you could say that this new little blog is a farm “in the cloud”, since there is not yet any earthly real estate connected to it. This farm is full of life, though… an organic, lush, and productive place full of garlic, lovage, herbs, weeds, ladybugs, frolicking goats… with plenty of inspiration and rambling stories of blood, sweat, and tears.
Like any worthy journey, this one is circuitous, like a river with many eddies, rapids, and waterfalls along the way. If you stumbled in here seeking information about farming or gardening or homesteading, there will be some of that – and celebration of the magic of compost. There will be recipes – plenty of botanically-oriented, vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian… most garlic-infused, of course. There will also be eddies, stories, and travelogs.
Who knows – as this journey progresses, it may even root the farm in the clouds and the heart to the earth.